The best thing about starting anew is that one can shed all those bad habits acquired over the period, the taste for adulation and also probably the laziness.
I love the fact that I have cut off all the old ties and have been mum about the new blog. Can you imagine how much of freedom this gives me? I am lovviinnggg it !!!!
The one must thing I plan to do while blogging this time is that I will blog everyday. No matter what... It does not have to be anything profound, witty, sarcastic or even long. I am enjoying this as I write!
I have always wanted to read up lots of books and tell people who cared to listen about how I felt about them... at this point of time, I dont know if people will even get to read (a form of listening, according to me) what I write, but what the heck, I have decided to let go of the habits. So I stick to this.
Another fascinating activity right now is peeking into other book blogs - there are millions of them and way way above in terms of quality and quantity, and I am glad people are so good, gives me hope for myself.
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